Technology and Society: Proposal for A Transdisciplinary Framework and A Sample Analysis on GMOs in Thailand
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The nowadays changing world and many new problems are
showing us that technology and society can be no longer the separated
issues, but are increasingly and highly interactive. Regarding knowledge
or discipline, there is some discourse on "transdiscipline"' or interdis-
cipline", but their actua adjustments are very slightly systematic. This
paper aims to propose a sample conceptua framework to explain the
interrelation between technology and society. It firstly acdresses two
underlying conceptual sets from the academic circle, which is still un-
knovn in Thailand, but was established in Western for a couple decade
ago, namely "'science and technology studies". The frst conceptual set
is "technics", which is consisted of two categories:authoritarian and
democratic technics. The second is a set of "story-lines of technological
change" which can be divided into three approaches: economic inno-
vation, social construction, and cultral appropriation. Together with
three-social-sector concept (government, business, and civil society), the
dynamically interactive framework is synthesized to demonstrated us that
which approach, which technics and which sector play the dominant role
in the current direction of technological change, and hov to change it.
Finally, the paper shows an actual sample analysis of Thailand's GMOs
policy, both in domestic movement and foreign policy.