India as an Emerging Power

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noppharat thongaurai


This research article is to study India's goal and real potential in reaching major-power status of the international system in the twenty-first century. It observes economic, political and security, as well as socio-cultural determinants that play crucial roles in enhancing or blocking its high aim for the status. An American scholar, A.F.K Organski's concept of determinants of power is applied to roughly estimate India's potential power in its attempt to build national growth to major-power status. The result of study reveals that India has several strengths which can help it achieve the major-power status. Those strengths are, to name a few, huge size of population and land area, abundant natural resources crucial to national development and geography which supports expansion. However, India is still facing crucial weaknesses that greatly hinder its high aim, the most significant weakness is the vulnerability of industrial sector.


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How to Cite
thongaurai, noppharat. (2019). India as an Emerging Power. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 10(1), 10_5–39. retrieved from
Research Paper