Green Politics: The Conflict of Mainstream Politics and the New Social Movements (NSMs)

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Ladawan Khaikham


This article considers green politics as an alternative politics that focuses on environmental concerns. Since the 1960s, green politics has emerged from confrontations between grassroots people and mainstream political structures at the national level through new social and political movements. These political conflicts indicate that the environmental catastrophe becomes one of non-traditional threats, such as climate change and COVID-19 pandemic, which the traditional political system is incapable of dealing with. To begin, this essay examines the concepts of new social movements (NSMs) and green politics, both of which are environmentally friendly in terms of the economy, society, security, international development, and sustainability. Finally, this essay analyzes and compares the political routes of Green Parties vying for political power in Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.


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How to Cite
Khaikham, L. (2021). Green Politics: The Conflict of Mainstream Politics and the New Social Movements (NSMs). Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 17(2), 69–98.
Review Paper


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