History of Bias and the Production of Knowledge in the West: God, Science, Rationality, Cognition, Postcolonialism, and Posthumanism
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This research article examines the history of bias and the production of knowledge in the West from the Medieval period to Posthumanism. It studies scholarly works from the 15th to the 21st centuries, alongside seminal international documents post-World War II. It selects the most famous works of each era based on their historical importance, including those that reflect evident bias. The research finds that knowledge biases shift according to social contexts, thereby influencing characteristics of each era’s knowledge and reflecting evolving human identity. Christian biases in the Middle Ages laid the groundwork for scientific discovery, gaining prominence from the 15th to the 19th centuries with empirical pursuit and social rules as natural laws, perpetuating human dominance in decision-making. Due to wars and economic instability during the 20th century, biases and flawed judgements were acknowledged as inherent facets of human nature. Over subsequent decades, the post-colonial approach has both bolstered and questioned a universal knowledge that posits its own impartiality. As the 21st century ushers in the era of Posthumanism, where technology and artificial intelligence constitute new living conditions, there is a concerted effort to dismantle bias in the hierarchy of human knowledge. This movement strives to redefine humans in a position of equality with non-humans.
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