Development of egg trays from agricultural biomass materials

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Titima Leetarkool
Thiwarut Khamm
Arisa Wongseekaew
Kantapat Kittiauchawal


The purpose of this research was to produce egg trays from agricultural waste materials and to study the efficiency of developed egg trays. The test was conducted by creating egg trays from agricultural biomass materials such as bagasse, sugarcane leaves and cornhusks. Made and molded into an egg tray by casting method, then dried for 7 days. The efficiency test was divided into 3 parts: Tension Immediate impact by Impact test method and shock impact on egg breakage rate when wrapped in egg tray by Drop test method. Tension cornhusk egg tray can withstand high tensile strength. Due to the dense structure and homogeneous adhesion Therefore, it is stronger and can withstand more tensile strength than bagasse egg trays. The impact test by Impact test found that the energy value of the cornhusk material absorbing force is greater. That is, cornhusk egg trays are more rigid than bagasse egg trays. The impact strength on the rate of breakage of eggs when wrapped in egg trays by drop test method showed that the percentage of egg breakage Bagasse egg trays had a higher percentage of cracking than cornhusk egg trays when released at low height. Compared to the highest emission height, the egg rupture percentage was the same. Therefore, it can be concluded that cornhusks are best used as egg trays.

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