Problems in Implementing the Financial Application for Financial Management, Budgeting, and Accounting of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Office
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Fin App which is accounting software is a primary tool deployed in the National Anti-Corruption Commission for financial, budgeting and accounting administration. Despite its efficiency, this particular software has caused difficulty. To identify challenges and concerns about its usage, a survey was developed, and 160 of questionnaires were distributed amongst operating employees where responses were received from 124 operating staff or 77.50 percent. Overall, the Fin App users reported several issues, where the most frequent problem is the shortage of operating and IT support staff. The second biggest problem is that the Operations manual lacks step-by-step details of the procedure and is not up-to-date.
To lessen and overcome those issues, we proposed that the Finance Division should provide operating staff training on how the software can be best used and monitor how effectively those who received the training use the tool. They should offer easy access to support team of Fin App software and increase the number of contact channels. A ratio of support staff and the operating staff should also be boosted. Moreover, Technical manuals needs improvement in some aspects. It should be periodically reviewed and updated, It should also provide full details of the procedures, practical examples, cautions, and possible errors together with their solutions.
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The articles published in the journals are the authors' opinions, not the opinion of the editorial team or administrative staff. The articles published is copyright of the Journal of Business Administration and Accounting, Khon Kaen University.
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