Board Game Approach for 21st Century Entrepreneurial Skills Learning
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The use of board games in teaching and explaining real-life problems has gained increasing interest at all levels of education as well as at higher education. This research article aims to confirm the effectiveness of employing StartUp-commercial business board game to develop 21st century entrepreneurial skills either hard or soft skills. The samples used in this study consisted of 213 Bachelor of Business Administration students. The research team conducted a quantitative research in a quasi-experimental research approach. The research instruments comprised of a StartUp board game and a questionnaire. The level of students' perception towards board game characteristics and skills developed was examined. The construct validity of the measuring instruments and the influence between variables were also confirmed. The results revealed that Startups board game characteristics has a statistically significant positive influence on developing entrepreneurial skills in the 21st century. The learners perceived hard skills (knowledge and work skills) higher than soft skill (social skills). StartUp board game is consistent with the field of study resulting in learning about various aspects of content and provide opportunities to develop a wide range of skills especially the development of basic financial skills critical thinking and problem solving.
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