

  • Pattawee Sookhakich Ph.D. Director of the Master of Laws Program Faculty of Law, Assumption University


arbitration, sole arbitrator, number of arbitrators, an Arbitral Award


Arbitration has become a popular means by which to resolve conflicts that arise from contractual agreements in a range of different commercial settings.[1] The appointment of the arbitrators is an important task for the parties, which needs to be provided in an arbitration clause. The decision on the number of arbitrators can benefit from taking account of multiple factors, including the conduct of the arbitrators; therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine some of the factors the parties to an arbitration may consider when specifying the number of arbitrators in an arbitration clause based on a discussion of a practical case when the parties chose the number of arbitrators to settle their dispute.

This paper is expected to contribute to the general understanding of why a group of arbitrators is better than a single one when making this decision. Importantly, it seeks to identify the key factors that affect the appointment of arbitrators, including the role of arbitrators, ethics, and the way the arbitration should respond to claims of diversity in order to answer the question, “do the number of arbitrators affect the arbitration outcome?” in order to understand of the effects of arbitrator and case-specific differences on the outcomes of an arbitration.

Many domestic and International arbitration laws and rules grant to the parties their right to challenge on the number of arbitrators. The UNCITRAL Model Law, French arbitration law and Thai arbitration law will be added as the examples. Details of the meaning of the arbitration process may help to understand the concept of “arbitration”, and these are provided below.


[1] Pattawee Sookhakich, “Opportunity for Thailand to apply the “Med-Arb Process” as an Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanism,” Assumption University Law Journal 9, No. 1 (2018): 241.


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How to Cite

Sookhakich, Pattawee. “จำนวนอนุญาโตตุลาการและผลต่อการทำคำชี้ขาดของอนุญาโตตุลาการ”. วารสารนิติศาสตร์และสังคมท้องถิ่น 5, no. 1 (มิถุนายน 29, 2021): 225–255. สืบค้น กุมภาพันธ์ 11, 2025. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/llsj/article/view/244447.