Corporate Governance Influence on Corporate Value of Companies Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET100)

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Karnkaow Saengphet


This study aims to investigate the relationship and impact of corporate governance on the business value of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET 100). The sample comprises 80 companies listed on the SET 100. The results of the study revealed that factors that were positively and significantly related to business value at .05 included company growth and the proportion of the first five shareholders. Conversely, the age of the executive chairman and the proportion of the audit committee were found to be negatively and statistically related to business value. These findings underscore the relevance of corporate governance concepts and agency theory in elucidating governance mechanisms that reflect management behavior and impact business value. The insights derived from this study offer valuable tools in evaluating management team efficiency and facilitating more informed investment decisions.

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How to Cite
Saengphet, K. (2024). Corporate Governance Influence on Corporate Value of Companies Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET100). MBA-KKU Journal, 17(1), 127–149. Retrieved from


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