Business Model Design: A Case Study of My Boo Bark, a Dog and Cat Snacks Business in Muang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Sujitra Thessrimuang
Sakchai Jarernsiripornkul


The purposes of this study are to examine the purchasing decision-making process and needs of pet owners in Muang district, Khon Kaen province, specifically regarding dog and cat snacks and to propose a business model of My BooBark, a brand specializing in these snacks. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 400 respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that the majority of respondents were female, aged between 20 and 30 years, with a monthly income ranging from 10,001 to 20,000 Baht. Their buying behavior predominantly involved purchasing cat snack products from E-Marketplaces such as Shopee and Lazada, with average spending of 101 to 200 Baht and a frequency of two purchases per month. Regarding the business model, my BooBark's customers were dog and cat owners and mainly bought meat-based snacks. For value proposition, the snacks should emphasize the use of high-quality, human-grade ingredients, affordability, portability, and the provision of informative content about pets. These products should be available for sale through both online and offline channels. The brand should engage with customers through promotions with existing customers, and also emphasize responsiveness to inquiries and feedback to tailor products accordingly. Key resources encompass intellectual property, human capital, financial resources, and inventory management. Core activities include production, product development, marketing, and expanding distribution channels, with key partners including online platforms, consignment stores, transportation companies, and raw material suppliers. Revenue is generated through product sales, with an estimated monthly total of 62,816 Baht, while costs primarily include raw materials, packaging, and operational expenses, totaling 23,537 Baht.

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How to Cite
Thessrimuang, S. ., & Jarernsiripornkul, S. (2024). Business Model Design: A Case Study of My Boo Bark, a Dog and Cat Snacks Business in Muang District, Khon Kaen Province. MBA-KKU Journal, 17(1). Retrieved from


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