A Strategic Policy Formulation for Air Transport by Backcasting Approach

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Navatasn Kongsamutr


The purpose of this research is to analyze the current state of the air transport market in Thailand and formulate a strategic policy for air transport in Thailand (AirTrans’30: 2021-2030). Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and focused groups, engaging 29 informants. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis and backcasting approach. The research results revealed nine key change drivers that have shaped the air transport market in Thailand from the past to the present. Major were uncovered regarding the liberalization of air transport in Thailand. Moreover, several future key drivers emerged as crucial for reshaping the air transport market landscape and guiding strategic policy formulation for air transport in Thailand. Seven key elements were defined for strategic policy development, including policy maker and regulator capacity building, competition and consumer rights, and public participation. The policy path was constructed by dividing the period of strategic policy implementation into two main phases, namely (1) Phase 1 (2021-2025), divided into Phase 1.1 (2021-2022) covering 80 measures and Phase 1.2 (2023-2025) covering 74 measures (2) Phase 2 (2026-2030) covering 73 measures.

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How to Cite
Kongsamutr, N. (2024). A Strategic Policy Formulation for Air Transport by Backcasting Approach. MBA-KKU Journal, 17(1), 171–199. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbakkujournal/article/view/267142


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