The Moderating Effect of CEO Gender on Relationship between CEO Tenure and Risk-taking
CEO gender, CEO tenure, Risk-takingAbstract
The objects of this study are to analyze the relationship between CEO tenure and firm risk-taking and to examine the effect of CEO gender as a moderator on the CEO tenure and risk-taking relationship of firms listed on Thai stock exchange. The result of the study shows that CEO tenure has significantly negative association with risk-taking. According to Agency theory, CEOs as an agent concern making utilities for themselves instead of maximizing benefits to the shareholders.
The result also shows that the effect of the interaction between CEO gender and CEO tenure is significantly positive to risk-taking at 0.01 level. Thus, this study confirms that CEO gender is a moderator. According to sub-group analysis, the relationship between CEO tenure and firm risk-taking is significantly negative at 0.01 level for male group. For female group, it shows the positive relationship between CEO tenure and firm risk-taking. But it is not significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the longer the male CEO held the position, the more dare they invested at risk.
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- 2022-02-20 (2)
- 2022-01-02 (1)
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