
  • Watit Intuluck


Tourist Behaviors, Revisit Intention Model, Street Foods


This paper studied the structural equation model of revisiting intention on street food in Bangkok, Thailand during COVID 19. The study intended to examine the influence of service-value, gastronomy, and word of mouth on revisiting intention in terms of direct and indirect effects simultaneously. This sample was 400 repeated customers of street food shops in Bangkok. As a mixed method research, the data were first collected by questionnaires and confirmed by qualitative technique. The findings revealed that revisit intentional behavior received the positive total effect from all selected variables with a high statistical significance and received the positive direct and indirect effects with a high statistical significance, respectively. Furthermore, the study developed the structural model of revisiting intention model on Thailand street food in Bangkok with the acceptable fitness scores from several model fit indices (Chi-square/df = 3.56, CFI=.98, GFI=.90, RMSEA=.08, SRMR=.04). Moreover, the results of a qualitative research, then confirmed most of the hypotheses proposed in this study in terms of both direct effects and mediating effects. The recommendation is that both the customer related factors and tourism factors should be defined as a clear plan with ongoing actions that cover a specific requirement for providing a better service-value, increasing customer satisfaction, offering an appropriate gastronomic atmosphere that could ensure the customers safety during the service, and generating a positive word of mouth communication.

Author Biography

Watit Intuluck

Currently, Full-Time Lecturer, Assistant Professor at Dusit Thani College


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How to Cite

Intuluck, W. (2022). THE EFFECT OF THAI TOURIST BEHAVIOR TO REVISIT BANGKOK STREET FOOD DURING COVID 19 . Modern Management Journal, 20(2), 24–40. retrieved from



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