Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention of Thai Tourists in Wellness Tourism: A Case Study of Chon Buri Province
wellness tourism, travel motivation, destination image, behavioral intentionAbstract
The objective of this study was to examine factors influencing behavioral intention of Thai wellness travelers in Chon Buri Province by studying the influence among travel motivation, destination image, and behavioral intention. The convenience sampling method was used to collect data on 428 Thai visitors who visited Chon Buri Province for wellness tourism. The instrument for research was a questionnaire. To examine the causal relationship between travel motivation, destination image, and behavioral intention, data were evaluated using descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as structural equation modelling. The findings revealed that travel motivation has a direct beneficial impact on destination image (β = 0.827, p < 0.001) and behavioral intention (β = 0.531, p <0.001). The destination imagine has a direct and positive impact on behavioral intention (β = 0.352, p <0.01). The findings also revealed that destination images affect the relationships between travel motivation and behavioral intention (β = 0.291, p < 0.01).
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