The Relationships between Perception Values, Trust, and Engagement in Audio-Based Social Platforms


  • Budsara Eurjirapongpun Business School, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Apipol Penkitti Business School, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Laddawan Lekmat Business School, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Audio-Based Social Platforms, Perception Values, Trust, Engagement


        Audio-based social platforms (ABSPs) which are the audio chat online social network, e.g., Clubhouse; Twitter space; and Facebook live) has become well-known rapidly across the world. This study aims to examine the relationships between the perceived values, consumer’s trust, and engagement. The questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 388 ABSPs users, especially with age of 25-to-34-years-old. The results showed that the hedonic and social values were directly related to user engagement, while the utilitarian value was indirectly related to user engagement through user's trust in speakers. Besides, the hedonic value was positively related to user's trust in platforms.


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How to Cite

Eurjirapongpun, B., Penkitti , A. ., & Lekmat, L. (2024). The Relationships between Perception Values, Trust, and Engagement in Audio-Based Social Platforms. Modern Management Journal, 22(1), 115–130. retrieved from



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