Lesson Learned from Driving the National Strategy 2018-2037 of Thailand
Lesson Learned, Public Strategy and Policy Driving, National Strategy 2018-2037 of ThailandAbstract
Public policy and strategy begin with ideas and results in action by driving strategy. The executives must supervise the action together. It can be considered from driving the National Strategy 2018-2037 of Thailand. It converts the plan into action with a 3-level plan. The national strategy is the 1st level plan with 6 aspects as a framework for creating the plan to the 2nd level plan, which is a master plan, which has 23 plans and forwards to the 3rd level plan, which is the action plan of each agency. It aligned with the cause-effect relationship under the top-down principle to achieve the vision. Strategic driving can be achieved through (1) dedicated and committed leadership, (2) organizational structure, which is power structure change, (3) change agents that create change across the organization, and (4) organizational culture adjusts the behaviour for mutual success.
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