
  • เทพศักดิ์ บุณยรัตพันธุ์ School of Management Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Strategy Focused Organization, The Ministry of Finance


The purposes of this research were to (1) investigate the level of being the strategy focused organization of the Ministry of Finance, (2) study the factors influencing the development to strategy focused organization of the Ministry of Finance, (3) recommend for the management of the Ministry of Finance towards strategy-focused organization.

This study was a survey research by using cross-sectional study, focused on quantitative and qualitative. Population was the Ministry of Finance (MOF) which comprised 9 departments, having 240 personnel representative of the division of policy and planning, and including 1 senior executives of the MOF. The sample groups were 150 officers of the division of policy and planning calculated by Yamane.

Instruments used were: (1) questionnaire for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data from 150 officers obtained via proportional stratified random sampling; (2) interview form for collecting qualitative data from in-depth interview of 1 senior executives derived from purposive sampling. Statistics data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, and stepwise regression analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed using the content analysis.

The results revealed that (1) the average of level of being the strategy focused organization of the Ministry of Finance for achieving the strategic plan was 4.34, and found hypothesis testing of the level of being the strategy focused organization was not less than 80% at the level of significant 0.05 . (2) Mobilize change through executive leadership, translate the strategy to operational terms, and align the organization to the strategy were factors positively influenced the development to strategy focused organization of the Ministry of Finance at 83.7 % at the level of significant 0.05 by multiple regression analysis. (3) Recommendation as the followings: the top management of MOF will having highly organization engagement and proactive to reach the vision and the target of MOF; formulate the clearly roadmap plan to change the MOF, and always adjust the challenge of vison and strategy of MOF.


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How to Cite

บุณยรัตพันธุ์ เ. (2019). STRATEGY FOCUSED ORGANIZATION OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE. Modern Management Journal, 17(1), 28–42. retrieved from



Research Articles