
  • Nonglak Changphoo, Sarayut Sattakachon and Marasri Sutthaniti คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Development of a model for Parental Participation in Early Childhood Education Management, Child development center, Local Administrative Organization


This research had the objectives to develop a model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province and investigate the feasibility of the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The research was conducted in 4 stages. Stage 1: Studying guidelines of building the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. This was done by analyzing of document, related research and interviewing 5 experts. Stage 2: Building the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. This was done by analyzing of the 5 experts’ evaluation of the content validity using the Content Validity Index for Items: I-CVI. Stage 3: Examining the appropriateness of the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. This was done by arranging of a focus group discussion within 11 experts attended. Stage 4: Evaluating the feasibility of the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. This was done by distributing of questionnaire to 316 concerned personnel.

The research results found as follows.

  1. The model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province consisted of 6 aspects with numbers of items as follows: 1) work management, 2) relation building, 3) parenting, 4) being volunteer, 5) learning at home, 6) help and support. Which are detail included 46 items, follow : 1) work management has 8 items, 2) relation building has 7 items, 3) parenting has 8 items, 4) being volunteer has 8 items, 5) learning at home has 9 items, 6) help and support has 6 items.


  1. The examination results on the appropriateness of the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, and the result was found that as a whole was at 93.84%. When considering on each aspect found to be that all aspects were appropriate. Order from the highest to the lowest percentage of appropriation as follow: being volunteer, parenting, learning at home, help and support, relation building and work management.
  2. The evaluation results on the feasibility of the model for parental participation in early childhood education management of child development center under Local Administrative Organization Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province was found that the feasibility as a whole was at the high level. When considered as individual aspects found 5 aspects, were in the high level. They were arranged by descending order of mean: being volunteer, relation building, learning at home, help and support, and work management whereas nurturing was at the highest level.


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