
  • Manoon Phlomlux, Kanyamon Kanjanatavekun and Kritsada Tunpow คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยนอร์ท-เชียงใหม่


Marketing strategy, Operator, Competitive advantage, The Competition


Research on marketing strategies to create a competitive advantage for used car dealers in Bangkok its objectives are 1) to study the good characteristics of used car dealers in Bangkok  2) to study the marketing strategies of used car dealers in Bangkok that satisfy consumers 3) to suggest ways to develop marketing strategies for the competitive advantage of used car dealers The research instruments were a semi - structured interview form. Open-ended question by content analysis and written by descriptive analysis. The demographic and sample groups are used car dealers who registered a legal entity. Kanchanaphisek Road, Thonburi side, amount 10 persons, 5 registered used car dealers, Ratchapruek Road, Thonburi side 5 items, 15 consumers, 15 consumers who bought used cars in Bangkok, experts Used car scholars, 5 people, a total of 35 people using in-depth interview. Kanchanaphisek and Ratchaphruek Road storage areas on the Thonburi side are tents with many used car dealers. Use specific selection methods, where used car dealers are registered, and consumers who buy used cars in Bangkok

The results of the research are as follows: 1) to study the good characteristics of the used car dealers in Bangkok. Must have experience in the used car sales business for a long time from 7 to 10 years and must have skills and knowledge of used cars for at least 3-5 years. Most location selection will be near the community or areas that have the tent is already sold. The car brands sold are Japanese cars and medium-sized family cars. Good characteristics of entrepreneurs can increase sales and profits. There are more network partners or partners.              2) Marketing strategies of used car dealers in Bangkok that satisfy consumers. Used car must have quality, ready to use, inexpensive, and is a car that saves fuel, repairs and spare parts are easy to find. Looking for information to make a decision to buy used cars in a variety of ways, including the website of the operator and other websites. 3) Guidelines for developing marketing strategies to create a competitive advantage for the used car dealers. Entrepreneurs used to use 4Ps marketing mix and developed to use 7Ps marketing mix strategy. With an emphasis on knowledge development Skills for personnel or salespeople Develop processes or procedures for sales and environment development of the tent to look clean and tidy, both inside and outside to make an impression.


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