
  • Chonticha Numpa and Yananda Siraphatthada มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Competency, Cabin Crew, Safety, Service Quality


          The objectives of this research were to 1) study the competency’s factors of cabin crew affected safety, service quality, teamwork, communication, situation awareness, and decision making in aviation. 2) study the competency Level of cabin crew affected safety, ser-vice quality, teamwork, communication, situation awareness, and decision making in aviation. This research employed quantitative and qualitative research methods. In the quantitative research part, the sample consisted of 460 cabin crews in Thailand. They were selected by multi-stage sampling. The sample size was determined based on 20 times the observed vari-ables. Data were collected via the use of a questionnaire and were analysed using a structur-al equation model. For the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were con-ducted with 17 key informants, including experts and management in airlines business also gold card member passengers. The research findings indicated that: 1) all 6 indicators which were safety, service quality, teamwork, communication, situation awareness, and decision making in aviation had an influence on cabin crew competency in Thailand (λ =.74- .97) at the .05 level of statistical significance also found that situation awareness (λ = .97), service quality (λ = .96) and teamwork (λ = .93) accordingly. 2) the competency level of cabin crew affected safety, service quality, teamwork, communication, situation awareness, and decision making in aviation were rated at the high level; The results found that when considering in each part teamwork was rated at the highest level (Mean =4.04, S.D.= .90), service quality rated at the high level (Mean =3.96, S.D. = .88) and communication rated at the high level (Mean =3.96, S.D.= .95), safety rated at the high level (Mean =3.88, S.D.= .88), situation awareness rated at the high level (Mean =3.87, S.D.=.96) and decision making rated at the high level (Mean =3.83, S.D.= .96) accordingly.


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