
  • Laladaphat Manklang and Taksaya Sangayotin Yipsa_2003@hotmail.com


Model for Management organization, Skill and Expertise, Telecommunication Industrial TOT Public Company Limited


          The research had objective to study the factors that are related to the A Model for Management organization of industrial Telecommunication in Thailand (A Case Study: TOT Public Company Limited). The study was a mixed method research using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For quantitative research, the researcher used a Purposive Selection sampling, and the data were collected from 450 samples which were employees in TOT Public Company Limited. The instrument for data collection was Likert scale questionnaire whose Index of item objective congruence (IOC) equaled 0.91 and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient equaled 0.88. And for qualitative research, the researcher used purposive sampling by using in-depth interview with 13 people of Executive Primary Level for 3 companies in leader of industrial Telecommunication in Thailand. The findings were as follows:

         The researcher for quantitative research founding

         For were sixed Factors including 1) Employee Engagement 2) Sustainability expertise    3) Financial skills and expertise Accounting 4) Strategic skills and expertise 5) Control skills and expertise 6) Innovation skills and expertise were found that all factors have a relationship with a success factors (growth) in the overview by multiple correlation coefficient, is 0.687 and can be forecasts on the key success factors (growth) 0.473  in level significantly is 0.05 and  having a standard of estimate is 0.247 and the factors have highest to influencing for the key success is Employee Engagement with Organization, because of have the most valuable is Beta 0.483

         The researcher for qualitative research found

         Factors related to the organizational management model of the telecommuni- cations industry in         Thailand from the management's perspective. There are 3 factors: 1) Control skills and expertise 2) Sustainability expertise 3) Employee Engagement. Because of these 3 factors are factors that affect to the performance of the organization's outstanding expertise. It is a key factor in driving the strategy of the organization, being the leader in telecommunication services. In addition, The key success  (Business growth) for the researcher has found from aspect from Executive Primary Level for 3 companies, including increased revenue, market share And corporate image. The 3 factors that show the real performance of the organization. And make the society see that the organization has been successful in the telecommunication industry market.


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