
  • Melisa Mahapol and Kamolporn Kalyanamitra คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี


: innovative administration, public sector, innovative thinking


          The study titled Creation of Innovative Administration in the Public Sector was qualitative in nature.  The needed data were derived from in-depth interviews with 14 key informants.  The objectives of this study were threefold: 1) to investigate the factors influencing the creation of innovative administration; 2) to examine the process of creating innovative administration in the public sector; and 3) to determine the problems /obstacles and suggestions pertaining to the creation of innovative administration.

          The researcher determined the relevant research methodology, namely the sample group who were chosen purposive sampling from those who were well-educated and relevant to the study, consisting of government executives, private administrators, academics, experts, lecturers in organizations that focus on innovation from government organizations that focus on innovation in organizational management. Tools used to collect information from key informants by semi-structured interview forms. The data were analyzed to create a conclusion. And checking the data by using the data triangulation method, which was seeking the reliability of data from different sources.

          The data analysis has brought to light the following facts: The factors conducive to the success of the creation of innovative administration included the following: characteristics of leadership, direction and strategy geared up to the creation of innovation, the creation of atmosphere and culture favorable to learning, creating networks and knowledge management, creating the organizational structure conducive to teamwork on innovation and innovative thinking.

          The process of creating the administration innovation consisted of three components: 1) the availability of innovative leaders, 2) setting the innovative vision, and 3) the creation of innovative personnel.

          The process of creating the innovative administration can be arranged in another way.  This included the following aspects: 1) Creative thinking to deal with problems and obstacles for the public good. 2) The availability of some projects that can be carried out by the established strategy and action plan along with the contribution of key performance indicators. 3) Program evaluation should be undertaken.  And 4) The action plan should be reviewed on a continual basis.

          With respect to the resolution of problems springing from the creation of innovative administration, the following actions should be pursued: streaming the work process in terms of human resource management, working phases, technology, regulations, clear-cut work procedures, making investment in creating good public employees, revising the system and the organizational structure on a continual basis and, decentralization of decision-making process.

          Above all, the success of innovative administration depends on the contribution of 3 aspects: 1) It is a new thing involving the application of previous knowledge and research findings. 2) Putting the knowledge into practical use.  And 3) It must be of great help to the socioeconomic development. In regard to the recommendations for creating the innovative administration in the public sector, it can be said that the creation of innovative administration should be balanced in character and should be based on 4 factors: effectiveness, efficiency, worthiness and flexibility.


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