
  • Phissamai Khuanma Thanawin Thongpang and Prayoon Imsawasd มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Development, Model, Development of Quality of Student life


          The purposes of this research were to study, to develop and to evaluate the development of a model for development quality of student’s life under the Office of Basic Education Commission.  The method of research comprised three steps: 1) studying the model for development quality of students’ life. This research was mixed methods between quantity and quality research with two sample groups.  The first was a quantity research, consisting of 242 persons including administrators, teachers, school committees and students. The second sample was qualitative research, and the informants were 12 persons with administrators, teachers, school committees and students. The statistical devices used for this study were a rating scale; the data were analyzed by mean, percentage, standard deviation and content analysis. The collection of qualitative data was done by structure interviews; 2) development the model for development quality of students’ life using Delphi Technique to get results from opinions of 17 experts for 3 rounds. The statistical devices used for this study were percentage, median and interquartile range; and 3) evaluating the model for development of quality of students’ life model by questionnaire obtaining opinions of 10 experts. The statistical devices used for this study were mean and standard deviation.

          The results were as follow:

  1. The model for development quality of student life under the Office of Basic Education Commission comprised seven components which were 1) educational administration 2) participative management 3) health promotion in school 4) quality’s life         5) curriculum development 6) learning management and 7) development of student intervention system.
  2. The experts confirmed that model for development quality of students’ life under the Office of Basic Education Commission comprised seven components with 65 indicators which were 1) educational administration, 2) participative management, 3) health promotion in school, 4) Quality life, 5) curriculum development, 6) learning management, and                      7) development student intervention system.
  3. The evaluation of the model for development quality of students’ life under the  Office of Basic Education Commission validated every elements has usefulness and practical feasibility, and the accuracy can be used as a framework in determining the model for  development student’s quality of a whole and in each component was at the high level ( = 4.31, SD = 0.58).  From the maximum to minimum averages were participative management ( = 4.40, SD = 0.67), the educational administration ( = 4.36, SD = 0.57), and development of student intervention system ( = 4.35, SD = 0.59). All components were utility, possibility in practice and accuracy could development in quality of student life model.


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