
  • Bussara Tubtimsri, Watcharee Choochat and Pongsak Ruamchomrat มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกาญจนบุรี


: innovative leadership, school administrators in world-class standard schools


          This research aimed to 1).study the factors of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools, 2). create the appropriate model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools, and 3). assess the appropriate model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools. There were​ five​ steps​ in​ the​ research​ process: review​ of​ theories and​ related​ documents, development​ of​ research​ tools, data​ collection, data​ analysis, and​ the​ composition​ confirmation of​ the​ process.

          The​ samples comprised 303​ school​ directors and the deputy directors of academic affairs and teachers for academic supervisors of the world-class standard schools, obtained by stratified random sampling. The​ instrument was​ a​ 5-level​ rating scale questionnaire​ with the content validity between 0.60-1.00 and the reliability of 0.94. The statistics employed for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.

          The findings:

  1. Seven factors of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools were found: factor 1, risk management system with 8 variables; factor 2, ethics and professional ethics with 8 variables; factor 3, digital and technological with 7 variables; factor 4, teamwork and innovation development promotion with 6 variables; factor 5, innovation plan strategies with 4 variables; factor 6, transformational leadership with 5 variables; and factor 7, innovative creation collaboration with 3 variables.
  2. The model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools comprised 7 factors; risk management system, ethics and professional ethics, digital and technological, teamwork and innovation development promotion, innovation plan strategies, transformational leadership, and innovative creation collaboration.
  3. The assessment of the model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools was found that the factors are consistent with empirical data, with the harmonious index based on criteria ( =355.35, df=772, p=1.00, CN=740.47, GFI= 0.94, AGFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.00, SRMR=0.03) The construct reliability is 0.98 The variance extracted iof 0.89 The component explained the model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in world-class standard schools at 98 percent. 


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