
  • Chompoonuch Poonthasthan, Theethat Tresirichod and Banpot Viroonratch วิทยาลัยพาณิชยศาสตร์


Potential development, Vocational students, Supervisor, Alienate worker, Border


     This research aims to study the gap between the needs of Thai industrial organizations that use neighboring languages and the skills of vocational students in the border region of Thailand and to find guidelines for preparing work readiness and create career opportunities for bilingual students to be able to work as a supervisor in the industrial sector in Thailand. The researcher uses a qualitative research mothodology by conducting in-depth interviews from 10 Ministry of education representatives in technical colleges and vocational institutions along the border, 10 business owners or senior executives in industrial factories that employed foreign workers and 10 supervisors of Thai industrial. In the quantitative research methodology, the researcher collected 400 supervisors in industrial factories by using questionnaires and 400 vocational students in vocational certificate level 2.

     The results showed the gap between the needs of Thai industrial organizations that use neighboring languages and skills of vocational students in the border region of Thailand are as follows 1) Solving problems caused by foreign workers in Thailand. 2) Leadership level.              3) Leadership characteristics. 4) Work readiness guidelines. 5) Resolving conflicts between supervisors and foreign workers. 6) Characteristics of supervisors. 7) Public policy and career channels.

     Guidelines for preparing work readiness and creating a career opportunities for vocational students who speak bilinguage are as follows 1) Physical aspects by promoting policies and organizing annual health insurance activities and sufficient medical personnel support. 2) Intellectual, promoting systematic thinking processes and improving curriculum to promote leadership, specific skills and knowledge of neighboring languages. 3) Environmental, creating an atmosphere of learning and career guidance. 4) Emotional, motivation and personality, supporting experts in providing knowledge about emotional control and creating good personality and 5) Communication, providing training to provide basic knowledge of neighboring languages ​​that are necessary for the job including the development of neighboring language courses in vocational education institutions.


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