
  • Samran Klaysud and Noppadol Punpanich บริหารธุรกิจ


knowledge management, development model for knowledge management, Royal Thai Navy


The purpose of this research was to 1) study the state and organizational context of the knowledge management in the Royal Thai Navy. 2) study the knowledge management processes for the Royal Thai Navy and 3) study the development model for the knowledge management for the Royal Thai Navy. This research is a qualitative research. The sample were 51 persons from 36 Upright Departments to Royal Thai Navy The research collected data from semi structured in-depth interview protocol from key informants by using purposive sampling.

          The result showed that:

          (1) The Corporate context currently, the Royal Thai Navy organizes it government agencies under the Royal Decree 2009, section 11 and the Code of Government for Public Sector Excellence (PMQA) that the focus on the ongoing organization development process. Knowledge management is the key to developing a learning organization and delivering result that meet the organization’s goals. The Royal Thai Navy has set up a commission for the study and knowledge management project. (2) The knowledge management process in the Royal Thai Navy. It was found that the knowledge of the Navy had a 7-steps knowledge management process which was in line with the office of Public Sector Development Commission. (3) The development model of knowledge management. It was found that knowledge management Toolkit. The Navy uses knowledge too based on the criteria of Asian Productivity Organizations and related concepts comprises of 10 KM tools, divided into five types non-IT, five types of IT tools and three Types of KM. tools used in KM activities in the Royal Thai Navy. The tools used in KM activities in Navy is too minimal to match the size of the large fleet of 36 units of Royal Thai Navy under it role and mission of serving the government policy and “Thailand 4.0” driving policy. It is therefore desirable to use new communication platforms used to manage knowledge. The major obstacle in the implementation is the problem of attitude and leadership, values, organization culture that attach to the old bureaucracy. The lack of tools for knowledge management.


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