The Noble Eightfold Implementation, Non-formal and Informal Educational Management, Student Well-beingAbstract
This research aims to study nature and analysis of the relationship between research variables and to present the paths for developing the noble eightfold path using in Non-formal and informal educational management affecting to the well-being of the students. The questionnaire was developed from the results of the analysis and synthesis of literature both domestically and internationally and then drafted into 33 items of questionnaires, and then tested for structural validity, got KMO value along three conceptual frameworks on .82, .83 and .68 with a factor loading of .47 to .84.
While in the frame, confidence test results were Alpha, .89, .86, and .88, the Alpha value was .94 and had a Corrected Item between .31 and .76. In order that the data were collected from 349 samples for Statistics Program analysis, the research found that the characteristics of using the noble eightfold path for Non-formal and informal educational management including the well-being of the students were at a high level, both primary and secondary variables. The results of the relationship analysis revealed that both the primary variables and the component variables were positively correlated with the least to the most significant difference at the .01 level. While the major findings are found that the factors influencing to the use of the Noble eightfold path for Non-formal and informal educational management affecting the well-being of students include: Use to study, Value evaluation, Management, and management policies. In order that descriptive variance was 58% at the .05 level of significance. The hypothesis testing revealed that there was no statistically significant difference at .05 level, classified by work experience, educational level and Dhamma practice in the daily life. However, the using of research results in practice should be developed with a clear understanding of using the Noble eightfold path for educational management.
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บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสารวิชาการ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ
ข้อความที่ปรากฏในบทความแต่ละเรื่องในวารสารวิชาการเล่มนี้เป็นความคิดเห็นส่วนตัวของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับสถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ และคณาจารย์ท่านอื่นๆในสถาบันฯ แต่อย่างใด ความรับผิดชอบองค์ประกอบทั้งหมดของบทความแต่ละเรื่องเป็นของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่าน หากมีความผิดพลาดใดๆ ผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านจะรับผิดชอบบทความของตนเองแต่ผู้เดียว