
  • Chanya Tansakul and Kanyamon Kanjanataveekul ตันสกุล


Development, Personnel Competence, Tourism and Hospitality industry, ASEAN Framework


The purpose of this research were to 1) Study the characteristic and methods of personnel competency development in Tourism and Hospitality Industry 2) Study the problem, difficulty and success result of personnel competency development in Tourism and Hospitality industry3) Provide guideline for developing personnel competence to achieve the standard of ASEAN Framework Agreement in 2 branches, 6departments, 32 positions included 4 departments, 23 positions of hotel services branches and 2 departments, 9 positions of travel services branches in Andaman Coastal Provinces. This research was qualitative research using an in-depth interview technique, where the researcher chooses to use the sample sampling method (Purposive sampling),Including executive groups of hotel services branch and travel service branch, Employees in the positions under the ASEAN Professional Competency Framework of 32 positions, other entrepreneurs involved in the tourism industry Academic group as a graduate manufacturer Government agencies as regulators and establish professional competency standards for ASEAN tourism Hotel Business Association And hotel business operators And a group of tourism business operators

The result showed that the characteristics of tourism industry personnel and knowledge services personnel must have knowledge in the job according to the position. The duties defined in the job description form and knowledge according to the ASEAN competency framework. Must have knowledge of both science and art in the tourism industry and services and various tourist behavior, experience and general knowledge. Skill, Personnel must have communication skills in reading, speaking and writing. Foreign language communication. Human relations, work as a team, have a witty, good problem solving, planning, work negotiation art of service Leadership and professional skills are consistent with the position. Attitude, must love in service, respect to the organization and colleagues, think positively, look optimistic, have volunteers, work as a team, have diligence, honesty, patience, responsibility, punctuality, sacrifice and participation. The findings from this research are that people still lack knowledge, skills and attitudes that are relevant to Job positions and lack of awareness about the ASEAN competency framework Government agencies must increase public relations and issue measures to enforce the implementation of the ASEAN Competency Framework. Educational institutions bring the ASEAN competency framework to be determined in the graduate program. Enterprises define the job description with ASEAN competency framework. To bring ASEAN competencies which are basic competencies by using development methods with education, training and development that different according to the context of job positions and for the further development with the advantage of the service of Thai identity in the service operation, of the establishment for efficiency Succeeded by the ASEAN Competency Framework and International Standards


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