
  • Gietgong Moonmuang


Restorative Justice, Mediation


This research has a purpose. 1) to study the background, meaning, concepts, theories, and legal measures related to the reconciliation of Thai and foreign criminal cases. Court of Appeal Legal measures And related research contributions. 2) To study the problems and legal issues related to the reconciliation of Thai criminal cases. How to fix 3) To study and compare the problems of reconciliation in Thai and foreign criminal cases. How different or different with Thailand? 4) to introduce a legal framework for the establishment of a harmonized international criminal justice system. To apply the law of Thailand to be effective in many countries. This research is a qualitative research by documentary research and questionnaire. By in-depth interview. The sample population is a government agency that oversees the relevant staff. To obtain primary information about this, both theoretical and practical. The basic statistical analysis is based on survey data. The results of the study.

According to studies, it has been found that Thailand has no law requiring other agencies to take part in the deliberations to issue a moratorium on criminal prosecution. Section 44 and Section 46 grant the power to order the prosecution to be the sole public prosecutor. Do not allow the accused. Or the victim Has exercised the right to appeal the order.

The research is Bill of measures to replace criminal cases BE ... should be added other units that exist. To allow the accused, the defendant or the injured person to exercise the right to appeal the order of the prosecutor. To achieve the righteousness of the order. and bring stability to the criminal justice process.


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