
  • Thanraphat Ditdumrongsakul College of Music, Mahidol University.
  • Preeyanun Promsukkul College of Music, Mahidol University.
  • Ampai Buranaprapuk College of Music, Mahidol University.


Teaching Learning Management, Pre-College, Basic Vocational Skills


This research aimed to study 1) the state of teaching and learning management of Pre-college, College of music, Mahidol University and 2) the guideline of teaching and learning management of Pre-college, College of music, Mahidol University. This research collected data through a semi-structured interview and non-participatory observation. The key informants are 13 persons involved in the management of music teaching consisting of 1) the principal 1 person and teachers involving in curriculum development 1 person, and 2) teachers teaching basic vocational skills 11 persons. A semi-structured interview forms and non-participatory observation form were used as research tools. The results were divided into two parts that, the first part, the music instructional management conditions were divided into 5 areas: 1) Curriculum and contents - The content and goals of each subject are laid out differently. The teachers select the content that is suitable for the learners in both course content and their application, 2) Teachers - Teachers will have a plan for teaching and learning to adapt to the students at all times and have different techniques in each subject, 3) Activities - Theoretical subjects use activities to enhance understanding of learning. Practical subjects use activities as a practice to enhance learning and understanding through the hands-on practice, 4) Media, equipment and location - There is a wide range of media and equipment applications which the facility of the Pre-college is fully organized and prepared. In addition, teachers also use various online media for maximum efficiency, and 5) Measurement and evaluation - Most teachers assess learners individually based on their learning development. For second part, guideline for teaching and learning music - Most of them saw that the teaching and learning models were developed by using technology for teaching and learning, thus resulting in teaching and learning that promote skills of the learners so that the learners can apply the knowledge and the skills in each course for further development in the future.


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How to Cite

Ditdumrongsakul, T. ., Promsukkul, P. ., & Buranaprapuk, A. . (2021). TEACHING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF PRE-COLLEGE, COLLEGE OF MUSIC, MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(26, July-December), 46–56. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swurd/article/view/258846