Social Employment, Attitude Toward Disabled People, Policy for Disabled People, Decision to Hire Disabled Workers, Types and Skills of Disabled People, Recruitment Design for Disabled WorkersAbstract
This research employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study’s objectives were to study the differences in the levels of knowledge and understanding of the employment of people with disabilities and the employment decision, the influence of management intention and policy on disabled people on the employment decision, the types and skills of disabled people who were in demand, the recruitment design, and the problems and obstacles to hiring disabled workers in Bangkok Metropolitan area. The study found no difference in the decision to hire disabled workers from the management and owners having different levels of knowledge and understanding of the employment of people with disabilities. However, the management intention and policy on disabled people statistically significantly influenced and could explain the decision to employ disabled workers at 28.1%. The disabled people in demand by corporations were those with mobility, visual, and hearing disabilities. The highly wanted skills from disabled workers were computer, documentation, and communication skills, accordingly. The disabled people who had difficulty finding jobs were those with intellectual disability, autism, and retardation. The problems and obstacles for the corporations wanting to employ disabled people were concerning searching those who had the required skills and the accessibility to disabled worker database while the problems for disabled people were concerning their accessibility to education, the readiness to work, and the lack of disabled identification cards to access assistance. The recruitment design involved (1) the development of information system for corporations under the responsibility of Department of Employment and the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities to shorten the operational processes, reduce the submitted documents, provide the up to date database and link the government departments, corporations, and disabled people together and (2) the establishment of new corporations to employ disabled people under the government active policies and strategies in cooperation with the private sector to offer the space for rental to produce goods and services.
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