Specialized Museum, Dentistry, SatisfactionAbstract
The objective of this quantitative study was to investigate the satisfaction and the needs for service of Sirindhorn Dental Museum, Faculty of Dentistry Mahidol University, visitors. The relationship of the basic factors of the visitors and their satisfaction to the Sirindhorn Dental Museum appropriate service was also studied. Questionnaires were collected from 294 visitors who visited the museum between October 2019 - December 2019. Descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation (S.D.) were reported. Correlation was analyzed by chi-square test. The results showed that the visitors (29.3%) were impressed with zone 5 ‘Dental Health Rooms for Everyone’ the most. The visitors’ purpose of receiving services (93.2%) was to find information for their reports and homework. The overall satisfaction was high (= 4.28) Service personnel and service mind had the highest average (
= 4.56) while public relations through various media, television, print, website and online media got the lowest mean satisfaction (
= 3.66). Analysis of the visitors’ baseline data revealed that age and occupation were significantly related to the time of visit (P<0.05). The relationship between the visitors’ baseline data and satisfaction of each zone in the exhibition was also analyzed. There was a statistically significant correlation among age and occupation with exhibition zone (P<0.05). Suggestions for improving the museum and archives in the museum were received from the visitors. The museum should be open on public holidays and new exhibition should be announced publicly. Brochures concerning knowledge of dental treatment, oral organs, oral disease, and related herbs should be provided. Some visitors did not like media used in the exhibits and some of the topics in each zone are too academic and difficult to understand for them. These information were useful for improvement in the future.
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