
  • Petcharat Saisombut Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Srinakharinwirot University.


Policy Formulation, Human Rights, Same-Sex Marriage


This research aims to survey the guidelines of human rights’ protection related to same-sex marriage in foreign countries and to study guidelines of policy formulation and laws related to same-sex marriage in Thailand. The study uses qualitative method by gathering, reviewing, and analyzing related literature documents concerning to policies and laws in many countries where a protest of same-sex marriage was occurred. The research found that in many countries in Europe, the claim and protest of rights are similar in style. Generally, many countries have Constitutional Laws which have the provisions to protect the rights, liberties, and equalities of citizens regardless of their sex, age, and social status. But still same-sex couples do not allow to get married. Same-sex couples then started to protest the government for violating their constitutional rights. Finally, it has been taken a long time until Same-sex Marriage Law or Civil Partnership Act has been enacted in some countries. But some countries the protest was not successful. However, Thailand is still struggling and claiming of same-sex marriage rights. Same-sex people protest that the government to change marriage law to cover same-sex people, not just men and women who can get married. Eventually, at present, instead of Same-sex Marriage law that they wish to have, the Civil Partnership Act is now approved by the Council of Ministers and then introduced to the National Assembly for further consideration and later will be submitted to the King for His Royal Signature and after which the Act will come into force in the near soon.


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How to Cite

Saisombut, P. (2023). POLICY FORMULATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(29, January-June), 1–17, Article 266544. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swurd/article/view/266544