
  • Nirote Sinnarong Applied Economics Program, Faculty of Economics, Maejo University.
  • Waraporn Nunthasen Agricultural and Environmental Economics Program, Faculty of Economics, Maejo University.
  • Siwarat Kuson International Economics Program, Faculty of Economics, Maejo University.
  • Nalinee Kongsuban Applied Economics for Community Development Program, Maejo University Phrae Campus.


Production Function, Impact Simulation, Climate Change, Economic Crop


The purpose of this study is to estimate moment-based production functions and simulate the impact of climate change on Thailand's four main economic crops production, which are rice, sugarcane, oil palm,
and rubber tree. The unit root test and feasible generalized least squares are assessed to obtain reliable estimates of the moment-based production function based on panel data of crop productions and weathers from province level from 1989 to 2018, combined with climate change projection data for 2030, 2040, and 2050. The findings revealed that during the growing season, the main-driven weather variables (mean temperature and total rainfall) have a significant impact on mean crop production. According to the results of a numerical simulation of the future impacts of climate change, crop mean production for rice, oil palm, and rubber tree is expected to decrease by 0.34 to 2.74 percent, 11.96 to 41.17 percent, and 29.89 to 59.71 percent, respectively. Crop production variance and skewness vary across regions and climate change scenarios.


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How to Cite

Sinnarong, N., Nunthasen, W., Kuson, S., & Kongsuban, N. (2023). THE ESTIMATION OF MOMENT-BASED PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS AND SIMULATIONS OF FUTURE CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS FOR ECONOMIC CROP OF THAILAND. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(30, July-December), 1–13, Article 269150. Retrieved from