
  • Chulanee Tantikulananta College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University.


Malaysia, China, Ethnic Politics, BRI


The research on Belt and Road Initiative: look into Malaysia and China economic relations and Malaysian domestic politics aims to study the evolution of the relationships between China and Malaysia under the condition of domestic ethnic politics in Malaysia that affects the Belt and Road’s cooperation. The research employed qualitative research method based on documentary analysis. Documents were collected from various sources. The results of the study reveal that relations between Malaysia and China under the condition of Malaysian ethnic politics has played as a significant factor and influenced on the view of Malaysian leaders, Malaysian economic development polices and the relationships with China. The research observed the relationships from Mahathir era to Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak as these leaders have implemented economic pragmatism with China. The relationship with China has been upgraded and strengthen during Najib’s era due to the 1MDB. Consequently, opposition parties under the Alliance of Hope used this issue as a part of political campaign to attack Najib during the election in 2018. Though, Mahathir returned as the prime minister with opposition behind him, the relationship with China has not been affected as many expected.


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How to Cite

Tantikulananta, C. (2024). BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVES: LOOK INTO MALAYSIA AND CHINA ECONOMIC RALATIONS AND MALAYSIAN DOMESTIC POLITICS. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(31, January-June), 1–13, Article 272085. Retrieved from