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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Main specifications

          1. The articles to be published in UBRU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL must not have ever been published before or pending consideration for publishing in any other journals. In addition, the article must not have any part or information copied from other academic work . Copyright infringement is the article writer’s responsibility.          

          2. The content and information to be published in the UBRU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL are the writer’s opinion and responsibility;  the editorial staff and Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University do not have to agree upon or share responsibility.   

          3. The copyright of the articles, information the content , pictures, and so on published in UBRU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL belong to  Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. Anyone or any organization that wish to publish an article or parts of the article for any purposes, they must ask for permission from the university in written or make a standard academic reference.

Manuscript Requirements
        Those who wish to submit an article must write in Thai and in English their name-surname, designation and place of work or education institution, including contact address in a separate sheet from the article. The length of the article must not exceed 7,000 words, with a clear and concise title both in Thai and in English, and with an abstract in Thai and in English of not more than 250 words each. Besides, the article writer should make sure that the article has used refined language with correct spellings and punctuations. In addition, the writer should specify the type of article whether it be an academic article or a research paper. The components of the two types of articles are as follows:        
     1. The article including the title and the content should pinpoint the issue the writer wishes to present and it should be organized in an appropriate order so that it is clearly and easily understood by the reader. The issue or issues must be analyzed and summarized using academic principles. The writer may use the  knowledge based on the conceptual framework and theories from various sources for a synthesis and clearly express his academic viewpoints for the benefits of the reader.    .        
     2. In case of a research article, the method and findings  should be presented  systematically with the following components (the topic and components may vary).
2.1  Introduction: significance and background of the study together of overall view of the article. 
2.2  Literature Review
2.3 Research Methodology: steps of doing the research, data collection, research instrument and statistics.   
2.4  Research Finding
2.5  Discussion and Conclusion
2.6  References

         All articles submitted for consideration you will need to write citations to other documents or the sources of information used at the end of the article. By providing references in English only and to be categorized in APA Style, the submitter should check the correctness and completeness of the citation in accordance with the criteria specified by the journal. Strictly defined (Any articles on topics that have a citation format that has not yet been compliant with the journal? Will not be forwarded to a qualified person to review the article for review in the next step. The submitter must adhere to the following main guidelines.

• Guidelines
        Surname, initial. (year). title. journal name, volume, page number.

• Example
        Somchob, P. (2013). Factors of Marketing Mix on Products of Tourist Destinations Affecting Decision Making to Travel in Natural Destinations in Ubon Ratchathani. Baddhana Journal, 7(2), 340-350.

Book title claim

• Guidelines
        Surname, initial. (year). title. place of publication: publisher.

• Example
        Somchob, P. (2011). Marketing Research: Uon Ratchathani: Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University Printing House.

Journal form

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     The articles to be published in the journal must have been approved by the editorial board and at least three experts in the related field of study following the process below. 

  1. The editorial board will keep the author informed when they have received the article according to the set criteria.
  2. The editorial board will jointly examine the titles and the contents of the articles whether they are appropriate and consistent with the journal objectives including their quality in terms of theories and application in humanities and social sciences.
  3. In case the editorial board do not receive the article for further step, they will keep the author informed of the rejection with some seasons and brief suggestions through the e-mail.
  4. In case the editorial board accept the article, they will forward it to at least three experts in the related field for peer reviews and make decision whether to accept, reject or revise it. This is a double - blind process, where the experts and the article authors will not know each other.
  5. After the experts have reviewed the article, the editorial board will make decision based on the suggestions made by the experts whether it should be published in the UBRU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL or return to the author for major/minor revision or rejection.
  6. Once the editorial board have examined the article revised by the author according to the experts’ suggestions, they will keep the author   informed of accepting it for publishing in the UBRU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL.



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Paper Submission
        Those who wish to submit an article for review in the journal, please send the original file (Microsoft Word) in English using the Times New Roman font, size 12 point only. (Text Size: Research Topic 18, Topic in Journal 14, Journal Content 12). The channel for submitting the article is ThaiJo system.