Motivation in Duty Performing of the Employees at the Agricultural Cooperatives in Sisaket Province
Motivation, Duty Performing, Employees, Agricultural Cooperatives Sisaket ProvinceAbstract
The purposes of this research was to investigate the motivation in duty performing of the employees of Agricultural Cooperatives in Sisaket province. The population for the study was a total of 344 employees working at the Agricultural Cooperatives in 21 districts, Sisaket province in the year 2020. The samples consisted of 200 employees calculated by Yamane’s formula and selected by a systematic cluster sampling using the District Offices for Agricultural Cooperatives as the sampling units. The research instrument was a questionnaire and the statistics for data analysis was stepwise multiple regression.
The research findings were as follows: The variables that could predict the performance efficiency of the Agricultural Cooperatives’ employees in Sisaket province consisted of four aspects, ranking from high significance to low, namely: progress opportunity, work success, responsibility, and nature of work. All of the four variables together could explain variance of work efficiency of the Agricultural Cooperatives’ employees in Sisaket province with 81% accuracy.