The Impact of Work Environment and Participatory Management on Performance Through The Motivation of Affiliated Personnel Office of The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and The Area Responsible for Operation Regional Education Office No 14
Work Environment, Participatory Management, Work Motivation, PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to 1. Study the impact of work environment participatory management and incentive measures on the performance of affiliated personnel Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and the area responsible for operation Regional Education Office No 14. 2. Study the impact of work environment and participatory management on performance of affiliated personnel Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and the area responsible for operation Regional Education Office No 14 Through motivation. 3. Study the impact of work environment and participatory management on motivation in the work of affiliated personnel Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and the area responsible for operation Regional Education Office No 14.
For example affiliated personnel Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and the area responsible for operation Regional Education Office No 14 400 government officials permanent employees and temporary employees used the proportional sampling method.
1.The tools used include the survey results show that participatory management and work motivation have a direct impact on performance and work environment. 2. The work environment and participatory management indirectly affect performance. 3. The work environment and participatory management affect work motivation.
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