Evaluating the Efficacy of Augmented Reality Technology for COVID-19 Education and Knowledge Enhancement
COVID-19, Augmented Reality, Health Crisis, Learning OutcomesAbstract
The global COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated an unprecedented crisis, necessitating widespread travel restrictions and stringent social distancing measures. This health emergency has presented multifaceted challenges to contemporary society, highlighting the imperative for innovative educational solutions to disseminate crucial information about the virus and its ramifications. Augmented Reality (AR) technology emerges as a promising digital tool uniquely positioned to address these challenges, offering immersive and interactive learning experiences. In a recent study evaluating the efficacy of AR technology in COVID-19 education, researchers developed a bespoke augmented reality mobile application designed to impart knowledge about the virus. The study's primary objective was to gauge the impact of this educational tool on participants' learning outcomes through pre-and post-tests. Thirty participants were enlisted to interact with the AR application, yielding findings that demonstrated a significant enhancement in knowledge and comprehension of COVID-19 after its utilization. These results underscore the potential of AR technology as a potent educational tool in disseminating essential information about COVID-19. The interactive nature of AR facilitates deeper engagement and understanding among learners, offering promising avenues for enhancing public awareness and preparedness in navigating health crises. Further research in this domain is warranted to fully harness the potential of AR technology in addressing global health challenges.
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