Environmental Sustainability: An Exploration of Thai Passengers’ Green Behaviors Applying Value-Attitude-Behavior Theory Sudarath Tolanuwat
Environmental Sustainability, Biosphere Value, Ecological Attitude, Green BehaviorsAbstract
This study aims to illustrate the influence of biosphere value on ecological attitude and also biosphere value on Thai passengers’ green behavior. The ecological attitude is also tested as a mediator between biosphere value and Thai passengers’ green behavior, which findings found limited in a Thai context. From the mentioned objectives of the study, the value-attitude-behavior (V-A-B) theory was employing to determine that ecological attitude plays a role as the mediator between biosphere value and Thai passengers’ green behavior. Using a quantitative method, data was collected from 225 participants via a structured questionnaire with purposive selection technique to international passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport, and the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) was subsequently analyzed by using SmartPLS4 software to test the hypotheses. The findings reveal that biosphere value directly impacts both ecological attitude and Thai passengers’ green behavior when traveling by air whereas the attitude acts as a partial mediator between value and behavior.
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