The Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Performance Behaviors ofTeachers in Schools under Kanjanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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ธารินี กิตติกาญจนโสภณ


This research objectives were to (1) study the organizational climate in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2 (2) study the performance behaviors of teachers in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2 and (3) to study the relationship between organizational climate and performance behaviors of teachers in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2. The samples were 312 teachers in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2. The instrument were two parts questionnaires. The first part was on organizational climate and the second was performance behaviors of teachers in schools under the office of educational service area 1 which discriminations were at 0.53-0.75 and reliability at 0.91, 0.93, respectively. The statistical techniques used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results of the research were found that; (1) Organizational climate in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2 overall were at high levels. (2) The performance behaviors of teachers in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2 overall were at high levels. (3) The relationship between organizational climate and performance behaviors of teachers in schools under the office of Kanjanaburi primary educational service area 2, overall were positive related with statistical significance at the .01 level

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How to Cite
กิตติกาญจนโสภณ ธ. (2018). The Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Performance Behaviors ofTeachers in Schools under Kanjanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 9(2), 132–142. Retrieved from
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