Member Satisfaction With Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credit Cooperatives, Limited

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รุ่งทิพย์ มณเทียร


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the satisfaction of members of Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credits Cooperatives, Limited, 2) to compare the satisfaction levels of members towards the services provided by Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credits Cooperatives, Limited, and 3) to suggest ways to develop the service of Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credits Cooperatives, Limited. The sample of this study included 296 members of Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credits Cooperatives, Limited. The participants consisted of members with all genders, ages, marital statuses, education levels, and the duration of their membership by using the formula of Taro Yamane. 170 samples are selected. The research instrument used to collect the data was a ‘questionnaire’. The Reliability value is 0.83. The statistics used to analyze the data are; Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation (S.D.), T-test testing, F-test testing with One Way ANOVA Analysis which shows the significance level at 0.05. The research results showed that the satisfaction level of members towards the service served by Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credits Cooperatives, Limited is overall at a high level, especially in regards to location, staff, and the procedure aspects. The comparative results of the satisfaction of members of Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Savings and Credits Cooperatives, Limited shows that the members with different marital status and income have a different significant level of the 0.5 satisfaction. While the members with different ages, education levels, and the duration of the membership show a similar satisfaction level. Moreover, the main solution is to provide members with information in a timely manner using updated forms of technology.

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How to Cite
มณเทียร ร. (2018). Member Satisfaction With Mahamakut Buddhist University Employees’ Saving and Credit Cooperatives, Limited. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 9(1), 99–110. Retrieved from
Research Article


พรรณราย จิตเจนการ(2558).ความพึงพอใจของสมาชิกที่มีต่อการให้บริการของสหกรณ์ออมทรัพย์สหภาพแรงงานรัฐวิสาหกิจการไฟฟ้านครหลวง จำกัด. (การค้นคว้าอิสระปริญญามหาบัณฑิต).มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์,คณะบริหารธุรกิจ.

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