Comparison of academic achievement by teaching the use of teaching Materials and teaching the E-Book. Analysis of business data

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สุคนธ์ทิพย์ สุภาจันทร์


This research was conducted. For the purpose intended. To compare academic achievement by teaching the use of teaching materials and regular E-Book. The sample used in this study is. A second year student of computer branch. Faculty of Management. Enrolled in technical analysis of business data. In the second semester with grades ranging from 2.50 up to 40 people using a particular sample. And divided into 2 groups: study group of 20 people will take the form of teaching lectures and media power of the E-Book and a control group of 20 students to a regular school. The course consists of lecture and computer media. The study showed that Achievement of students in both groups. Is a group of students taught by the media and E-Book with the normal curriculum. The results were as follows. Achievement of the experimental and control groups. The final test results. The difference was statistically significant level. 0.05 by the Teaching and Learning E-Book has used the average of the final exam than those with normal teaching and final test results. The difference was statistically significant level. 0.05 by the Teaching and Learning E-Book has used the average of the final exam than those who are learning normal.

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How to Cite
สุภาจันทร์ ส. (2014). Comparison of academic achievement by teaching the use of teaching Materials and teaching the E-Book. Analysis of business data. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 5(1), 57–66. Retrieved from
Research Article


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