The Measurement of the Effects for Operation of Buddhist Ways in the School of Educational Area for Roi-Et Province 1

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สุนทร อาจนิยม


This research has the following objectives: 1) to assess the implementation of the Buddhist schools. Roi Et Education Area Office, Region 1, 2) to compare the performance of the Buddhist schools. Et in an office area of the sex, age, education, and status differences, and 3) to study the recommendations of the optimization performance of the Buddhist school. Office of Roi Et in a sample used in the study included executives, teachers of schools and students in Buddhist under the Office of Roi Et in a number of 364 people, the tools used in the study include a questionnaire. evaluation of the Buddhist schools. Et Region 1 Office of the statistics used to analyze data on the percent of the average standard deviation of the t-test and the F-test with statistical significance set at 0.05. The results show that The comments of the Executive Committee of school teachers and students. Overall level. Sequence based on an average of descending is the input (Input), followed by side effects (Outcome) and the average minimum is the production (Output), and hypothesis testing, research has shown that sex and status are different. Level evaluation of the operation is no different. Some suggestions on how to optimize the performance of the Buddhist schools. Office of Education District 1-Et was the most all have five basic precepts for living. The second is to use education to promote learning and self-knowledge is always minimal, and students must be self-reliant or Work, living with integrity and discipline. Responsibility, honesty and punctuality.

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How to Cite
อาจนิยม ส. (2012). The Measurement of the Effects for Operation of Buddhist Ways in the School of Educational Area for Roi-Et Province 1. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 3(2), 13–26. Retrieved from
Research Article


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