Conservation Characteristic of the Long Paddling Boats Competitional Tradition to Promote the Cultural Tourism of the People in Selaphomi District, Roi Et Province

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พระศรี รัชมงคลบัณฑิต


The objectives of the research article were to study conservation, the economic and social impact, problems and find the solutions and to suggest the methods of conservation of the the Long Paddling Boats tradition, The sample in this study consisted of 20 persons. The methods of data collection include a in-depth interviews, Small Group Discussion, and Observation Structure. The findings are as follows : The characteristic of the preservation of the Long Paddling Boats Competitional Tradition was to some extent cooperated by the local people but still Scarce of Understanding in the Cultural Tourism object. Economic impact was a little bit positive, whereas as for the negative impact, it was apparent. In social impact was positive and negative. There were two main problems : one is the money, another is partly the administration of it. The characteristic which should be probable concerning the preservation of the competition tradition was the administration based on the participation, In addition, the competition committee were to try their best to push it, so that it was progressive and became the provincial tradition and culture. By means of this only preservation the Long Paddling Boats Competitional Tradition could remain forever.

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How to Cite
รัชมงคลบัณฑิต พ. (2012). Conservation Characteristic of the Long Paddling Boats Competitional Tradition to Promote the Cultural Tourism of the People in Selaphomi District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 3(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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