The Application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the Economical problems of the people in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province

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ศิขิรินทร์ ไชยนา


The objects of this research were to study the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems of the people in Muang district, Chiang Mai province; compare the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems of the people analyzing from personal factors; and study the ways to apply the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems. The samples in this study were 400 people in Muang district, Chiang Mai province. They were selected randomly by purposive sampling from each occupation in research area. The tools used for collecting the data were questionnaires, frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t- test and One-Way ANOVA The research results were found that : People’s applying the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems is in the middle level; people with different gender and age were not different in applying the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems but people with different education, occupation, income and debt were different in applying the virtues at the significant statistic level 0.05; and people had suggestions about the ways to apply the application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the economical problems that self-dependent by working with diligence, knowing the right amount in such area as consumption and spending, association with good friends can support the economical benefit. Balance-life style, knowing moderation, don’t spend over income, all these can solve the economical problems

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How to Cite
ไชยนา ศ. (2012). The Application of virtues leading to temporal welfare in solving the Economical problems of the people in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 3(1), 33–42. Retrieved from
Research Article


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