The Application of Santosa in the economic crisis of people in Sanabteub Sub-District, Wangnoi District, Ayutthaya Province in 2551 B.E.

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สำราญ ศรีคำมูล


The objectives of this research article were to apply the Santosa principles, to compare the factors of Santosa to apply them in the economic crisis of the people ,to know the problem and suggestion how to apply in the economic crisis of the people in Ayutthaya Province. The data and the sampling group used for this research were 3 villages having 138 persons . Tools used to collect the information were questionnaires by using Multi - Stage Random Sampling from big groups to small groups, and to random by using simple and finally by using Quota Sampling . The statistics used was descriptive one; i.e. frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test .The results of the research were found that there had been no difference with leading Santosa to apply in the economic crisis of the people, this was because people got the problem earning and their spending was not enough. The patrols and materials were very expensive.

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How to Cite
ศรีคำมูล ส. (2011). The Application of Santosa in the economic crisis of people in Sanabteub Sub-District, Wangnoi District, Ayutthaya Province in 2551 B.E. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2(2), 37–46. Retrieved from
Research Article


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