The Sangha Administrators’Strategy in Roi Et province to solve the problem of poverty of the populations

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พระศรี รัชมงคลบัณฑิต


The Objectives of the research article were to explore The Sangha dministrators’Strategy and Activities to solve the problem of poverty of the populations, to examine wheter or not such a Strategy was related to those activities and to describe the benefits gained by the populations. The sample in this study consists of 323 persons. The methods of data collection include a questionnaire, in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. The findings are as follows : The Strategy which was accomplished moderately by The Sangha Administrators in Roi Et province was composed of the following aspects : sufficiency economy, self reliance propagation of the dhamma In the second aspect and last aspect, but populations’welfare was in the last aspect. The results of hypothesis testing are as follows : factors comprising of years of monkhood, levels of Dhamma education, and years of occupying administrative positions are correlated with introducing the strategy and activities to solve the problem of poverty to help the populations. In addition, factors comprising of years of monkhood, levels of Dhamma education, and years of occupying administrative positions were found to be correlated with activities to cope with poverty at 0.05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
รัชมงคลบัณฑิต พ. (2011). The Sangha Administrators’Strategy in Roi Et province to solve the problem of poverty of the populations. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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