The Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy the People’s Way of Life in Park Ta-lay Sub-district Banlaem District Phetchabury Province in 2009

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สมนึก วิเศษสมบัติ


Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy His Majesty talked. The philosophy guides the livelihood and behavior of the people in the country by adopting such a beneficial philosophy so as to live moderately. The objectives of the study were to examine the nation’s perception in the theory of sufficiency economy and to find out the implementation of the theory of sufficiency economy to the livelihood of the people. The study utilized the questionnaire verified reliability (Alpha-coefficient = .94). Data collected from 242 samples with random sampling method and analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, and X2-test with determining statistic significance at 0.05. The finding indicated that the samples’ perception preliminarily realized that the theory of sufficiency economy caused them self sufficient, and the theory caused them not to exploit the others and the theory caused them moderately live respectively. In some points, the samples, however, misperceived on Sufficiency Economy in that the characteristics of Sufficiency Economy were moderation and reasonableness and well-applied for poor people. Hypothesis testing of personal factors indicated that income and perception had significant relationship with the implementing behavior of the sufficiency economy theory at 0.05. Another factor had no relationship.

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How to Cite
วิเศษสมบัติ ส. (2011). The Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy the People’s Way of Life in Park Ta-lay Sub-district Banlaem District Phetchabury Province in 2009. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2(1), 63–72. Retrieved from
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