The Living Conditions of the Elderly Ban Thathoongna Chaiyok District Kanjanaburi Province

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พระราช บัณฑิต


This qualitative research The purpose is to study the living conditions of the elderly home port of the field. Sai Yok district. Kanchanaburi. Need to know the lifestyle the analysis of the motivation behind. Please seek the Buddhist principles used to establish priorities. And benefits to society The population of the research a group of village elders, field position number 14 used to collect field data for research are as follows: a journey into space. A preliminary survey of the area Depth individual interviews a discussion group Participatory observation and recording of history. And other equipment such as cameras and so on. The results showed that the majority of life of the elderly. Is important and useful to society at large. It is a good example of the children to think about doing a good family resort. Teach children to live a self-sufficient. Introducing children to promote a charity donation precepts for the whole family. It also brings the King's sufficiency economy. Used as the actual planting vegetable plants, herbs, non-toxic form. Known self-reliance Collaboration dig ponds for mutual benefit in the fields of the village harbor. Maintaining cultural traditions nice. From generation to generation, such as ordinations traditionally Buddhist monks to study the Book of Discipline. Traditional philanthropy Lent offering bath robes to monks at the temple rain and Songkran culture etc. Factors of the motivation behind the life of the elderly showed that the factors that make a healthy 4: 1) dietary factors. As a child, taking care of all five food groups. Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, such as fresh vegetables, fish sauce, steamed vegetables, etc., and some people eat organic food. To maintain good health Eating herbal decoction to nourish and treat 2) the exercise. The elderly, regular exercise 3) health factors. Elderly care of their good intentions. Control drug on the advice of doctors, 4) psychological and emotional factors. Seniors receive a lot of encouragement from my friends and we are happy to make good mental health. A stronger Seeking principle applied to life the four Noble Truths five precepts merit bearing the moral virtues fourth commandment 10 to 10 introduce children to eat a philanthropy precepts. Baton morning on the receiving alms daily. Bedtime prayer, meditation, worship five times a gravel compassionate faith in what you believe. The wise know the result Believe intellectual enlightenment of the Buddha believed that karma and the effects of karma. Believes that a person has been a pleasure, or suffering because of their good karma or bad karma made. Believes that animals have their own karma.

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How to Cite
บัณฑิต พ. (2016). The Living Conditions of the Elderly Ban Thathoongna Chaiyok District Kanjanaburi Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(2), 15–27. Retrieved from
Research Article


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